R100 is Back With New Music

R100 new music on the “Magic Melodies” album is now available. Razel R100 Chamel says he will be shooting music videos for the EP as soon as the spread of COVID-19 slows down & hopefully stops. In the meantime he decided to release the music to give listeners some music to listen to during the quarantine. He said that the ep is a follow up for his fans who really enjoyed “Powder Blue”. Powder Blue recently went viral on Tik Tok with over 100,000 fans singing to “Powder Blue” reciting the words “ I wanna kiss your body baby”. Some videos are dances from the #powderbluechallenge. Listen to Magic Melodies here https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7t5jDMj0ewzVJ8Zci1DXUA?si=ggfcfozQQoONCQhvo04AHw .

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