Manu Francois | @manufrancois98 - Proud (Trending)

Manu Francois- Proud

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A musical genius with an energized delivery, Manu Francois is a raw product of musical greatness. His unique delivery compliments his abilities to write high powered songs. A premier Experimental, Pop, and Rap artist with a soaring fusion of hypnotizing acoustic melodies and lyrical intelligence, you will enjoy the energy that you receive once you press play. Residing on the other side of the world in New Zealand but embraces his historical roots from the beautiful island of St. Lucia.

“Proud” delivers a chest pounding, heart racing musical rush from the past, present and the future. This song presents a futuristic collaboration of intelligence, soul, electronic and the vibes of acoustics. Created from a live performance of his instrumentation, you will feel each word and feel the drums, guitars, pianos and in studio production on this professional musical creation.

As this song presents a fusion of vibes from Manu Francois’s creative space and passion, you will find him to be a musical genius who welcomes you to join him for a mind blowing sound at a time. Join Manu’s world today by streaming “Proud” on Spotify!

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